Thursday, October 7, 2010

Beauty Will Rise Out of Ashes

"...but buried deep beneath all our broken dreams -out of these ashes BEAUTY will rise. We will dance among the ruins. We will see it with our own eyes, for we know joy is coming in the morning. It will take our breath away to see the beauty He has made out of the ashes." ~ Stephen C. Chapman.

This pain has been so surreal...a walking nightmare. Somehow in it all, there's a determination that I will climb out of this pit. I will get out and recover. Poppa (God) and I have an agreement that any pain I go through in my life will not be wasted. I will come out stronger, better, and more beautiful than ever before -for His GLORY. Mistakes, trials, and pains all become radiant when His purpose is made evident. All things work together for the good of those who love God. It's His promise. Out of these ashes, beauty will rise. Death becomes life, struggle becomes strength, brokenness becomes diamonds -shining and glimmering. (I'm a girly girl and I love shiny things...I had better come out of this shiny!) Those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered in shame. I've been through it all -so many heartaches and disappointments. Homelessness, sickness, death, abandonment, abuse, and rejection. I have always felt that one should help others down the road with what has been learned, grasped, or experienced -that I should bring a breath of fresh air someone's way: a drink of water, a word of encouragement, a piece of hope for the wounded to grab hold of. This world doesn't need condemnation, I told you so's, or judgement. Human beings need love when they are broken, bruised and hurt. They need not to be back-stabbed when they are already bleeding. They just need love. Poppa's pure love, and a whole lot of prayers.

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